Moles are common. In fact, everyone has moles – even people with very dark skin. Moles are simply areas of hyperpigmentation where the body has created more melanin.
Moles are harmless, although some can become infected or can mutate and become cancerous. Nonetheless, the vast majority of moles are benign.
However, some people want to remove certain moles. For example, I had a mole that looked like a coco pop just above my top lip. Some people thought it was cute, but I didn’t like it at all and decided to have it removed. Other people choose to remove moles for non-cosmetic reasons, e.g. it’s in an awkward place, and it keeps snagging on pieces of clothing.
Whatever the reason, sometimes people opt to have their moles removed. Today, we are going to explore the various options that you can undertake to have a mole removed.
First Things First: Check with Your Doctor
Before you decide to have a mole removed, you need to have your doctor examine the mole for signs of cancer. If it is cancerous, and you remove it, you might leave some cancer in the body and it can then spread without being apparent.
This is important no matter what treatment option you choose, even deep treatments, such as surgical removal or laser mole removal can leave remnants of the cancer. It is always better to be safe than sorry and to therefore check with your doctor.
OK, So What Are the Options?
It involves a surgeon numbing the area with a local anaesthetic and then using a surgical knife to cut the mole off and remove the roots.
This is quite an expensive treatment given how little time it takes to complete, and will set you back around £150.
The treatment takes several sessions to work. It will take up to a week after each session to see the result of that particular session, and as time goes on, it will become smaller and smaller.
Laser mole removal takes around four to five sessions. Many people prefer this treatment because it does not leave scarring in most cases. The surgical removal treatments do, and they may also require a stitch.
Laser removal costs around the same amount as surgical removal.
We hope that you have found this article useful.