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What Should You Expect From Laser Skin Tag Removal?

Skin tags are caused by a problem with collagen. Collagen is supposed to keep our skin in place; it's very much like scaffolding for our skin. However, it can become faulty in different ways, and one way in which it can be faulty is that it becomes too elastic. When this happens in concentrated areas, you develop skin tags. They are an effect of old age because our DNA replicates our collagen and sometimes it replicates with a fault.




Skin tags come in many different sizes and shapes, but they are commonly around 2-mm thick and between 2-mm and 1-cm long. People who have skin tags tend to find them unsightly and embarrassing and this causes them to seek out treatment. One of the most common treatments for skin tag removal is laser removal.


You can find salons offering skin tag removal throughout the country, for example skin tag removal Bolton, Southampton, and Newcastle. Wherever you are in the country, it is likely that you are not too far away from a salon that offers laser skin tag removal.


When you arrive at the clinic, the laser technician will have a look at your skin tag and assess the skin around the tag. They will then let you know if you are a good candidate for laser treatment.  Laser treatment works better on some types of skin than other types of skin.


If there is a relatively large contrast between the colour of the skin tag and the colour of your complexion, and your complexion is lighter, then you will be a match for laser skin tag removal. The greater the difference between the darkness of the skin tag and the lightness of your skin, the better the candidate you will be.


This is simply a matter of how lasers work. Lasers are made of light and darker coloured things absorb light faster. This means that the darker your skin tag is in comparison to your skin colour, that easier the skin tag will absorb the lights. As the skin tag absorbs the light, it becomes damaged by the energy and heat of the light.  This then destroys the fibres within the skin tag and once they are destroyed, can be easily absorbed by the body. 


If your skin tag is too close to your skin in colour, then the laser may damage some of the skin too. Clearly, a laser technician will not work on you if your skin tag has to place in colour to your complexion.


If you are a suitable candidate, the technician will apply a cooling gel to your skin.  They will then apply the laser in pulses. These pulses last a few seconds during which time you will feel a slight stinging, like being thwacked with a rubber band.  Afterwards, you might feel some soreness that feels like mild sunburn. However, many people find that the laser doesn't hurt at all, and there is no stinging at any point during the procedure.